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12 Christian Worship Songs to Hear When You Feel Low

Updated: Jan 29, 2024
Photo by DAVID NIETO on Unsplash

Some days are better than others.

Whether you have the urge to punch something or the desire to throw yourself under the comforter and curl into a ball, we all have those days.

In the tiring run called life, sometimes we all are drained of the battery level --- mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally. Suppose you are experiencing any of that dryness or feeling down.

At times like that, what should we do?

Get down on your knees and lift your hands high towards Heaven.

I look up to the mountains; does my strength come from mountains? No, my strength comes from GOD, who made heaven, earth, and mountains. ~ Psalms 121:1-2 (MSG)

You are not just what people have been chanting over your shoulders or what the inner voice is whispering in your head. You are everything that God says you are.

Already Chosen, Loved, Beloved, righteous in Christ, without blemish, and most importantly you are His.

This playlist will reassure you that, and calm the stormy weather in your mind. and boost your Godfidence.

Let's hit Shuffle.

1. God Only Knows - For King & Country

In case you feel like quitting in any way. You feel like it's the end. Suicidal thoughts are swirling in your head. You can't take it anymore and you are all alone in this fight.

Let me break it to you, you are NOT. We are in this together.

God's got you. He knows and sees your pain. Don't give up because He'll never give up on you. This piece of melody is a reaffirmation for you that there is still a second chance. There is still Hope.

"For the lonely, for the ashamed the misunderstood, and the ones to blame what if we could start over?"

2. I Will - Citizen Way

How does it feel to be tightly wrapped in the hands of the Heavenly Father as he whispers sweet nothings into your ears?

This song is an answer to that question.

3. Grace Wins - Matthew West

"There is a war between Guilt and Grace.

They are fighting for a sacred space.

but I am living proof Grace wins every time"

You and me Matthew, you and me :)

4. Beloved - Jordan Feliz

Does the enemy have been feeding you with his lies such as you are not enough, you don't deserve it, you are not worth it?--- Then this is a must-hear in your prescription for tonight.

5. Mended - Matthew West

 Have you been pondering the question "How many times can one heart break? , it was never supposed to be this way"   

 In case your response is anywhere between Si, Ja, Oui, Tak, Aamam, or Yes, then this uplifting assurance from God is for you.

Lauren Daigle lyrics
Made with Canva

6. You Say - Lauren Daigle

Every person should hear this song once in their life. Period.

We also have an LD playlist, just in case you need it.

7. Dancing - Elevation Worship (ft. Joe L Barnes & Tiffany Hudson)

Problems? Anxiety? Depression? Helplessness? or even overwhelmed with thoughts swirling in my head? I got this habit of turning on this song and closing my eyes to slow dance with Him ❤

And believe me when I say it works like a charm EVERY TIME.

8. The God who stays - Matthew West

Matthew's songs radiate this rebuilding your relationship with God aura and to me, this is definitely his Masterpiece.

The heart-wrenching storyline of the video and the relatable lyrics of this song will reach straight down to your soul. You can't help but slip a tear or two.

Also, the Pop-Up version of this video is highly recommended.

9. Jesus Can -- Austin French

Just because you have the same problems as everyone, or you've been through a similar trauma that half of the nation experiences doesn't make it hurt less.

Your story is significant. Perhaps not to those around you but to God, every detail of your life matters.

Don't you know he keeps the numbers of your hair? Listen in this song to what my Georgia boy gotta say to ya.

10. The Maker -- Chris August

"Your love is like a mighty fire, deep inside my bones.

I feel like I could climb a thousand mountains all at once.

And I never have to wonder if somebody cares for me.

I love the Maker..... and The Maker Loves me "

Let that fire burn all those negative thoughts, lift you from the ashes of regret, and set you on the Rock of Hope.

11. Praise over Problems -- Planetboom

Don't worry --- A casual advice everyone provides you generously. Easier said than done. I ain't gonna do that to you however I'll let you in on a victory secret.

Next time worries wovens you into his hold, stop whatever you are doing and start worshiping. Praise over your problems you get the gist, right?

I guarantee this will work. don't believe me? Ask Paul and Silas :P

12. In Jesus Name (God of Possible) -- Katy Nichole

I pray for your healing

That circumstances would change

I pray that the fear inside would flee in Jesus name

I pray that a breakthrough would happen today

I pray miracles over your life in Jesus name

There is ONE name to which everything under the son bows down, which is above all names. The name which one day all tongues will confess that he is the Lord. and today I pray in that name you'll feel better, your fear will flee, and you'll taste the sweet freedom of mind, health, and restoration of relationships.

"With God all things are possible" ~ Matthew 19:26

You made it to the end,

These songs are purely my preferences and nothing more, not to speak highly of someone or to downgrade anyone. I am blessed because of every single one of these artists and worship leaders. Thank God for them.

I experienced relief and tasted the goodness of God through these songs. These worship songs challenged depression, fought anxiety, and plucked the feeling of being alone from my heart. I pray it does the same to you.


Originally published on our blog, U Me & Him.

Do you like my choices? Does the post touch you in any way? gives me some heart.

So far what is your favorite? let me know in the comments.

In case you have any additional choices to add to this list am all ears.

Let me know that in the comment too.

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