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Be THAT Girl !!!

Updated: Dec 29, 2023

To all the girls that hurting,let me be your mirror,

help you see a little bit clearer, The Light that shines within

~ Aleissa Cara

Photo by Allef Vinicius on Unsplash

I can list a couple more hashtags that proclaim women empowerment and girl power but that is not what I am here for.

"Then Why are you here girl?" you may ask with Women's Day around the corner I've decided to dedicate my first blog post to celebrating women" I would reply.

So without further ado let's get the party started.

When I say I tried hard to choose the lady of the day to write this blog you have to believe me. Because the bible is filled with a lot of beautiful yet courageous women who loved God more than anything.

Esther, Deborah, Ruth, Rebecca, Mary Magdalene, even Mary mother of Jesus, the list goes on.

Yet the lady who stole the spotlight today is as significant as all the women listed above. it's none other than our one and only Rahab.

Let's dig into her story, shall we?

Accepting God :

My little brother calls me a Feminist, whenever I raise my eyebrows at him supporting women. I'll do you one better bro, the author of Hebrews is the biggest feminist, in my opinion. Wait, wait I have proof. We all are familiar with Hebrews chapter 11 AKA Hall of Faith, right?

That Chapter has a series of people known for their faith including Abraham. One among them resides our Wonder woman Rahab. Oh, that's not the best part, the best part is, that the author himself mentioned in the latter verses that he doesn't have time to talk about all the Heroes of Faith in the bible but he gave her a whole VERSE Y'all. Whole Verse. (See Hebrews 11:31).

I mean really? you don't have time to talk about David, the dude after GOD's heart but Her? What is so special about her Huh?

To investigate that, we have to travel back to the book of Joshua, chapter 2. Rahab was a prostitute residing in Jericho. When the Israelites went to spy on the land of Jericho in order to capture it, she helped them.

She accepted the two spies with open hands even after knowing that those people are not her allies. Why ?? she might have heard about the God of Israel and what he is famous for, like the Parting of the Red Sea, the journey in the wilderness, The Manna, and more.

Only on the news no personal experience or encounter with him. still to pull a stunt like that would've taken a lot of courage, right? because she is neither a Jew nor an Israelite. That woman barely knows the God YAHWEH.

Especially, she doesn't have the two testaments of the bible, she doesn't have the promise "Don't be afraid" for 365 days. Yet she did what she did with FAITH. & got SAVED [That's one word for it].

In the process of accepting the spies, she accepted GOD himself into her life. My point is it doesn't matter what background you are from, or what profession you are in. Your past or mistakes can't stop you from welcoming Jesus into your life.

What part of "For God So Loved the World" (John 3:16 Duh) you don't understand? He loved the whole world including your clumsy little self too.

God longs to be a part of your life, not only in the beautiful and post-worthy parts but also in the ugliest darkest parts. After all, that Guy brought heaven down because he doesn't want it without you.

Accepting yourself :

Accepting God in your life is one thing but accepting yourself is totally different and one of the hardest tasks ever. Everyone has a chapter in their life that they didn't want to read out loud. so did Rahab.

Being Introduced as a Harlot is not an exciting way to make a first impression, does it? especially in the ancient days. Think about the criticisms and hatred she faced from the people of Israel.

Simply put, if they had our technology and social media then, they would've posted videos and posts on Instagram and Youtube criticizing her and #whorefromjericho would've been the most trending on Twitter.

it would've ruined her faith and her perspective on people, and as much as I hate to admit it, this is happening to date. As humans, we have this tendency to lean on people's comments and approvals sometimes, which robs us of the confidence that God planted in our hearts.

How many times, I had cried my eyes out because someone told me I am not good enough? [God Only Knows] When the maker of this universe called me his masterpiece!!!

Every time I hear a sermon or someone talks God's word to me or his will about me, I feel an energy and enthusiasm rushing through my veins like I just bottomed up an energy drink and I would hop around acting like I am the luckiest girl alive because I am the King's Daughter Y'all right?

But as soon as a comment or criticism is thrown my way, I have no idea where that energy and confidence go, it just leaves without a goodbye then my heart will be weighed with unwanted yet hurting thoughts.

It doesn't mean that I don't believe in God, it's just.... to quote one of my favorite lines from The Chosen "I do have Faith in HIM, just not in me".

But Rahab was a smart woman and strong too, the bible didn't have a record of how she handled her bullies or anything. Actually, the rest of the old testament doesn't even mention her after that. Whilst Matthew gives us the epilogue of her life story at the very beginning of the new testament.

In Matthew chapter 1 very few women were highlighted in the genealogy of Jesus Christ and one among them was, yes you guessed it right, our own Rahab (Verse5).

She was a part of the freaking genealogy y'all can you believe it? from harlot to an ancestor of Jesus, well that escalated quickly 😉.

She is not a King nor a Soldier. She is merely a girl who had the worst possible profession with probably a desperate broken heart that longed to be loved. When God found her, he made her whole and his own.

I bet when the author of Hebrews was writing the hall of faith God was all over like, "put my girl's name on the list". He blessed not only herself, her whole generation from which the Lion of Judah came to the earth.

To conclude, God doesn't need big things to work for his kingdom, he prefers broken things. In fact, He gotta "thing" for Broken things, don't believe me? ask the heroes in the bible.

So, big deal if my friends don't like my curly hair, or dusky skin, or my colleagues tease me about my body weight. Worse case my church people tell me I don't have any talent to serve. Does it matter? it certainly is not, you know why? Because HE thought I am worth dying for.

To conclude God doesn't need big things to work for his kingdom, he prefers the broken things. Infact He gotta thing for Broken things, don't believe me ? ask the heroes in bible.

Every girl at some point dream of being THAT GIRL with a successful career, fit body, and a bank balance with plenty of Zeroes. May be going one step ahead and wants to be someone who does something useful for his Kingdom.

And we try so hard to earn that title but Let me break it to you sister, in order to be that girl, first you have to BE HIS GIRL.

Happy Women's Day ❤ !!

~ Hepza


Originally published on our blog, U Me & Him.

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