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Celebrate the Valentine's Week Biblicaly

Updated: Jun 9, 2024

A Picture that says, happy Valentine's day
Photo by alleksana from Pexels

It's the time of the year when you see hearts and roses everywhere, and the rate of chocolates ramps up.

People celebrate Valentine's Day for various reasons and in various styles.

Writing greeting cards, asking out on Dates or observing Valentine's week doing all 7 tasks for 7 days leading towards the special day on February 14.

So we thought what if we celebrate Valentine's Week biblically?

Thus we added a little twist and hand-packed 7 tasks for the 7 days to challenge you and make your Valentine's week special. The best thing is you can enjoy all of them even if you are single (YAY!)

Let’s unwrap shall we?

February 7: Rose Day

Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God. ~ Phil 1 :3

Buy a rose for that one person who is the reason you have Jesus in your life.

Your mum, grand mum, friend, your partner. Or the nice Sunday class teacher who gifted your first bible. Whomever it may concern. Send them a Rose.

You can even send a virtual bouquet if time or distance don't allow you.

Be sure and take time today to tell them how much you appreciate their presence in your life. 

February 8: Forgive Day

Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. ~ 1 Peter 4 :8

Jesus said to love your enemies.

This is your sign that God is tugging at your heartstrings to forgive those who hurt you. Perhaps you are the one who owes an apology, so put your big boy pants on and do it like a champ.

Today is the perfect day to break the"not speaking to you" fast or to end the "I go this way when you come that way" act you've been carrying on for months with those who once held a special place in your heart.

Forgiveness is a path to healing and healing is a vital process in your Spiritual growth.

The moment you decide to let go of the grudge and the bitterness, you’ll feel free. And Love makes you free. 

It's easier said than done, (trust me I know) although the Holy Spirit will supply you the strength. They may be unworthy of your forgiveness but despite all Jesus did forgive us, it's only fair if we extend the same to others.

February 9: Give Day

Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. ~ 2 Cor 9 : 7

C.S.Lewis said, "If our charities do not at all pinch or hamper us, I should say they are too small"

Giving is the ultimate form of showing the Gospel through your actions.

Therefore do Charity - buy someone a meal, offer help to the old lady at your flat. If you can't afford money, give your time and lend a hand wherever it is needed. 

Even if it means giving a glass of water. Do it in His name.

February 10: Prayer Day

 Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ. ~ Gal 6 :2 (KJV)

Prayer is the purest form of showing Love.

When you pray for someone you are talking about them to the person who holds all authority to change situations.

Therefore when you sit down in his presence ask God whoever needs special attention today. Reach out to the name he whispers in your ear, via a text, or video call, even better if you can meet IRL, put a hand on their shoulder, and pray for them.

In a world full of chaos, praying for each other is the best gift we can afford for those we love.

February 11: Self-Love Day

Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, ~ 1 Cor 6 :19 (ESV)

Your Mental and Physical health plays a significant role in your spiritual health.

You lose your sleep over stress, your wake-up routine gets disturbed which impacts your physic, which in turn decreases your immunity resulting in you becoming weak.

When you are exhausted mentally and physically, your spiritual self gets hurt pretty bad too.

That ain’t good.

So keep your body nourished. Maybe you never stopped to care till today. What is a better time to start than now?

Make a decision- fix your sleep schedule -add healthy food to your diet - meditate, exercise- read a book - get out and mingle with people - attend a service - do yoga or go bungee jumping if you want. Treat yourself.

Showing care for yourself solely results in the nourishment of your soul.

February 12: Serve Day

...Let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth. ~ 1 John 3 :18

 "Don’t lecture someone who needs a hug." This is the best advice I ever received. because one hug could heal a broken heart more than a well-worded sermon.

Christian life shouldn't be all talk no show. You should be excited to get your hands dirty.

Go be part of a ministry, Enroll for a mission trip. Volunteer. Lend a hand somewhere that requires help like a church outreach crew or a Cancer Aid support group.

Make Him known to the world through your actions.

February 13: Date with God Day

So many loves out there, But none of them can compare. To this sacred space, we share ~ Dancing (Elevation Worship)

Obviously, you have to spend time with God every day. However, we'd suggest taking it a notch up and making it special today.

God is the ultimate lover of your soul. Spending time with him is a luxurious gift to one could give oneself.

So sit down, Kneel, or run into the field look up at the sky tell him. “How much he loves you and How it saved you”. You can write Him a letter in your journal or sit quietly enjoying his company.

In case you wanna go wild and spend an entire evening with Him, We got your back. check out our blog post-Netflix and Chill with God for suggestions.

February 14: Valentine’s Day:

Do all of it again.

The History of Valentine's Day has many folklores. Albeit end of the day, all of them stand for one thing. To celebrate Love.

What greater love is there than the one, Who gave up his life for you even knowing you might not love him back the same way?

The task for today is, to remember that and repeat all the 7 things all over again to spread His love to the ends of the world.


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