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Netflix and Chill with God

Photo by Thibault Penin on Unsplash

It is the Era of OTT and outings. Late nights and Lame memes. Netflix and chill.

It is harder than ever to find a space for God amidst all the chaos or the cheers.

There are nights I yearned, cried out in desperation, and longed for a touch of heaven, to lay in his presence. 

Have you been feeling so distant from him lately or trying for years to fix your messed up spiritual routine? – I got your back, brethren.

Thank God for the Internet I found this idea called “Date night with God”.

The sole purpose of this post is to spend time with the creator of time itself and let yourself drown in his presence. 

You set aside a day, night, or an entire evening (just as how you do it when you go out with an earthling) and dedicate it to activities that will fuel his love and tug your heartstrings closer to him.

In this post, we’ll find out a list of activities you could try to fill the time you reserved to spend with God, you can shuffle, skip, or be creative and add more to this list  

Grab your popcorn and scroll on. 

Clean up, Dress up, and Set up

God wants a relationship with us, which was his only intention since the beginning. It is only fair if the feeling is mutual.

Hence allocate an amount of time for God and him alone. I usually choose one of my evenings on the weekend from 6 till midnight, boy the next day, I'll wake up smiling.


Dust off the depressed thoughts, take a shower, wear comfortable clothes, and find a peaceful place. (Where no one can disturb you for a while). Importantly, make sure your mobile phone won’t get your attention during this time.

Set the mood for the place, with low lighting, and a lavender candle. In case you prefer outdoors such as your balcony or terrace, totally cool– the majestic sky can be your ceiling decor. 

And get set go.

Starting Prayer 

Now the table is set, welcome him with a starting prayer. it doesn’t need to be long. A  few sentences, just as offering a seat for your company will work and then you move to the main program.


From a couple of songs to a 30/60-minute hardcore worship, you can decide the time for each segment per your preference and availability. 

Make playlists, add songs in the queue, or you can play them one by one. As you wish. 

It could be shout-outs to the almighty like  “Praise over Problem” by Planet Boom. Maybe you want to fall face forward in surrender with “Hold on to me” ~ Lauren Daigle. Whatever genre you feel like.

Let Alexa blare some gospel music in the speakers and soak in it. Throw hay to your surroundings and pour out your heart in his presence.

“Worship: Where God isn't moved by the quality of our voice but by the condition of our hearts.” ~ Chris Tomlin


This is like a main prayer session. I’d recommend giving it a generous amount of time, as much as you could afford. 

One thing I want to highlight is to keep your prayers – dialogue. While you sit down - sit down with a clear head God wants to talk to you too. Thus a small notebook and pencil won’t hurt (to note down, anything the holy spirit whispers, duh )

You can pray for anything. Start from the world, complain about what is up with the border wars, and move up to those medical bills. 

Pray for your nation, your leaders, your loved ones, and the ones in need of saving, shelter, and refuge. Rant and rant and Rant about your uncultured coworkers.  Doing one better you can pout about how much you let Him and others down. 

Let it all out.

In case you don’t know where to start, and could use some suggestions, we’d love to help - With Prayer 101  you can learn about what’s all the fuss about prayer is.

Bible reading

Call me old fashioned but I always like to keep note of the little things the spirit stirs in my heart or he mutters in my ear.

So settle down with your bible highlighters, sharpeners, erasers, 5 color pens everything you desire, and a notebook.

Pick a chapter. You can continue with your daily reading and use the passage you heard last in the sermon or perhaps something you saw on a notification from the bible app, or choose the scripture received from that one person who sends a bible verse without fail every day to the group. 

Open your bible – Take a deep breath - Clear your head and Read. Scribble any questions that come to your mind. Draw a little heart emoji after your favorite verse. If you will, paint it all in neon.

“Starting place of Faith is the word of GOD ~ Steven Furtick”

Read a Book

There are some really good, Soul-nourishing books to redirect your heart mind, and soul in the way God wants it. Choose a chapter skim through it, and write down your notes.

The last time I read a chapter called “Using what god has given you from the book -Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren, which drove me to start this magazine.

The book is a life changer, I highly recommend it.

In case you are an avid reader like me, with a bookshelf for your Christian books do share your suggestions in the comments, 

Watch a Movie /Show

Butter up your popcorn, cook something nice for yourself, or order in. Sit in front of your electronic device, and binge-watch Jesus.

There are plenty of good Christian movies available on the internet now, including Netflix.

With one quick surf, you can find a lot of options  and where to watch them

There are Cathartic Stories like Jesus Revolution, I still believe, Breakthrough, and Priceless. 


Maybe you can’t afford 2 hrs. Don’t worry. You could try a documentary, or a testimony—a Sermon. I watched a GMA Dove Awards show during my last date. Anything to open up your heart to God.

 Also, you could give Angel Studios’ The Chosen a swirl. The storyline of this Global phenomenon series revolves around the life of the OG disciples. 

This crowd-funded project has 3 seasons as of now with each episode around 45 to 50 minutes. One episode at a time. Oh, did I mention the first season of this show is also available on Netflix?

Ending Prayer

Hopefully, you heard the faint whisperings of God during this time. Note down everything on your pad or the note-taking app on your iPhone, I don’t judge.

Make sure to write about how you feel too. Trust me when I say, It will serve as a reminder when you look back at it. 

Now finish strong. Say your ending prayer, whatever you want to say to your Dad before he tucks you in bed and leaves the room. 

Imagine God is sitting next to you, smiling at you, patting your back saying those words you’ve been dying to hear. “You did Good so far Kid, I am proud of you” – because he is.

Give your thanks, because no matter how many times we offer this, it never be enough to what he did for us. He died like a Criminal so you would become a child of God.

Hit the comfort of your bed with that on your mind, Let the content lull you to sleep. And the caresses of God kissing you on the forehead as he watches over you.

Final thoughts,

Perhaps Netflix and Chill is not an appropriate title for this post. Anyhow, it will bring end results.  Feel free to alter this list per your schedule and your preference. 

I tried it a couple of times and it worked like a charm. It did put me on my feet to walk with My redeemer.

Therefore Try this for yourself, and Thank me later.


Muse Credits: This Post is basically a review of a Tik-Tok Video I saw on Pinterest called “Father-daughter Date Night “ With God.  Shout out to @ally_7515 for this masterpiece. Muchas Gracias sis, you did me a favor.

You can follow us on Pinterest too.

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Andrew Shrinivas
Andrew Shrinivas
Dec 05, 2023

Really a Blessinggg to readd…!!!

So relatable to our Daily walk❤️❤️



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