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Prayer 101 - A Beginner's guide to start praying today

Updated: Dec 29, 2023

Credits : Unspalsh

First of all, there is no particular format or template for prayer. Prayer is not a mantra or some Harry Potter spell that will help you get away from your problems

Then what is prayer?

I guess that's what we are here to find out. So let's get started.

Our Father, those were the exact starting words of the model prayer, Jesus taught in Matthew 6. That's what prayer is.

1. Prayer is nothing but Talking to God.

Imagine after a long day at school, coming home and rambling to your dad about it. That's it, that is what prayer is all about. Talk to your heavenly father.

2. Preferable posture

There is no predefined posture or position to pray. We kneel because it feels like we are surrendering everything and in the case of praying it's happening in the presence of God. And we close our eyes to gather our thoughts and focus.

God never said if you don't achieve a certain posture I won't hear you. Not once in the bible.

When you are wide awake and the world is sleeping, thoughts rush through your head while you are lying on your bed. You can put one leg over the other, cross your arms over your chest get comfortable in the mattress, and voice out your thoughts like you are talking to your mate on the top bunk. It works like a charm.

3. Perfect time to pray - is Now

Paul encourages us to pray continuously. In other words. Never stop praying. So yes the perfect time to pray is now.

Maybe you have the influence that mornings are the only good time to say your prayer. They are a better time? yes. it does feel wonderful to start your day with God. But that doesn't make it the only time to pray.

You can pray wherever you are and whenever you need to. While you are in the shower, stuck in a Traffic Jam, or at midnight when you are wondering where the heck your life is going. Anytime.

A porn addict can pray while watching porn. so you get my point right?

4. What things to include in your prayer

You can pray about food, your daily needs, clothing, medicines, and air conditioning maybe? even about your financial instability. God will teach you to handle money. Well, it worked for me. The one who asks receives.

Give thanks to him in your prayers. For all the things he had done for you. Hey, even if you can't find anything from your messed-up day, he woke you up this morning to see another beautiful sunrise. Be grateful for that.

Confess your iniquity. Apologize for the things you did against others or yourself or his kingdom. Explain how hard it is for you to stay away from the temptations as an addict, let him be your sponsor. The Lord is your strength don't you ever forget that.

Pray about everything, I mean it.EVERYTHING.

5. Be Honest

When you are on the verge of breaking down, don't go and start praying for world hunger. Don't get me wrong. it's not that I don't want you to pray for the world but stop pretending like that is what makes you a better person.

God will be up there like, "Really, that is what you wanna talk to me about right now?"

Let your prayers be Honest. Pray what's on your mind. complain, cry, rant. Give him an earful. Pray angry if you want to. Those were my favorite kinds.

6. Come as who you are

When something bad happens or you feel out of the zone automatically our human instinct is to get distant from God.

We tend to think that "once I pull myself together I'll come back to God". but he wants you for who you are, not for something you did.

Even if you are falling apart he wants all the pieces. So come to the throne Boldly.

7. It is not a Chore

Prayer is part of our daily routine.

Yes. However, don't make it a chore. Don't pray for the sake of well, praying. or for extra credits. Don't assume God likes you so much if you pray for hours or hates you if you miss your prayer time. We have a God who sees the heart, he knows. he always does.

Prayer is a conversation that involves two persons fondly in love with each other, so make it a habit to spend time with Him.

8. Time Duration

Again it's up to you. From well-prepared 16 pages long deep prayers with strong words to a single sentence where you admit "I need you, Lord, I can't do this alone" He will hear.

You can shout aloud or whisper within your mouth, He will hear.

There is no silent prayer that you could pray inside your heart that God can't hear.

9. Prayer for others

When you love someone pray for them. That's the best gift you could ever offer to someone.

Pray for the world because it needs it right now. Pray for every single thing that concerns you.

When you can't do anything about a situation. Just Pray.

I pray for your healing

That circumstances would change

I pray that the fear inside would flee in Jesus name

I pray that a breakthrough would happen today

I pray miracles over your life in Jesus name, in Jesus name

Katy Nichole (In Jesus Name, God of possible)~




To summarize, Prayer is not just part of your daily routine. It's the time you spend with God and get to know more about him. I hope you see it that way, not in any other misinterpretations the world is projecting.

We are lucky in a way than the legends of the Old Testament because we have given a name that they only longed to hear and waited for. The name to every knee shall bow, and every tongue confesses. The name above all names. The name that was given exclusively to us. That name is Jesus. Use it. Send your prayers in the name of Jesus.

Because when you pray, prison walls will shake. Chains will break and the peace that God himself offers envelops your situation.

So next time life brings you to your knees, start fighting your battles there.


Originally Published on our Blog, U Me & HIM

I hope this post speaks to you in some way. If it does press that heart button, show us some love, and let me know your comments. Share it with your amigos, someone might need to read this.

Stay strong, be brave



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