I am no longer a slave to fear
I'm a Child of G
~ No longer slaves (Bethel Music)
One fine day, or afternoon or evening, Not pretty sure but that moment was etched into my memory. Pr. Mike Todd stood on the pulpit of Transformation church and confessed that he was a porn addict who is saved by the grace of God to the whole world.
I was like, "What?!! You don't share that kind of stuff with people, let alone in a sermon that is going to be broadcast on a popular media platform like YouTube".
You keep it to yourself. you bury it underneath and go to the grave with your good Christian facade, right? at least that's what I've been doing until he caught me off-guard.
Unlike you nice people, I was a black sheep, the prodigal daughter who ran away from God with flaws and blemishes. I was a porn addict too.
I was one of those people who googled, How to get rid of addiction, how to break an addiction biblically, How long it takes to break an addiction, What the bible says about addiction or ways to overcome temptation, etc.
However, as a good shepherd He is, he came looking for me, lifted me off the mud, and put me on his shoulders. In the words of Cory Asbury, His love saw me a broken-down kid with regret deep as the ocean. I am saved by His Grace. I am better now, not perfect but better.
Easy as it sounds, it was quite a frustrating process. All of the Google searches showcased only one thing at the end, I can't do this on my own.
I had to turn back to God no matter how messed up my life seemed. I am not gonna lie it's no piece of cake. All my life I've been told I have to earn my way to God, but I've learned he doesn't work that way.
If you are someone like me who desperately cried out the words of Paul, you are in the right place. In this post, we are gonna discuss a few effective and proven ways to deal with your addiction biblically which helped me along the way.
It doesn't matter what kind of addiction you have - emotional, physical, or you're mentally attached to a place that doesn't exist, there is a way out. and I am glad you took your first step on a path toward surrendering your weakness to God. because Deliverance starts with your decision to repent.
So happy trails !!!
1. Understanding Your temptation
For I do not do the good I want to do but the evil I do not want to do, This I keep on doing (Romans 7: 19)
Every addiction starts with a simple temptation. In other words a catcall from the enemy.
Temptation can be considered a compliment in a sense because the devil doesn't need to tempt those who are already with him. Temptation is a sign that Satan hates you, not a sign of weakness or worldliness.
It's an indication that your calling is Great. Why do you think he is fighting so hard if you are a nobody like you've been telling yourself? He knows if you get on your knees the place will start shaking and chains will be broken. so he will do anything in his power to keep you from it.
Every time temptation calls you, you have two choices accept it or deny it. And every time you choose to do good instead of sin you are growing in the character of Christ. The closer you grow to God, the more the enemy will try to tempt you.
Sometimes you can't help but give in, and that's okay. Don't give up on yourself yet.
Even though you did God will never give up on you. So stop being discouraged or ashamed by it. Stop telling yourself God is mad at you for not being perfect, he is not mad at you he is madly in love with you. Thus ask for His help and it will be given.
2. Take away its power
Every addiction has a root. let it be childhood trauma, an abandonment issue, or the want to be loved by someone.
From working a 9 to 5 job that you loathe which causes stress to hanging out with the wrong crowd who makes you feel inferior all the time, the list goes on.
These kinds of things leave a hole in our hearts then we try to fill that emptiness with certain things resulting in addiction which leaves you more empty.
Hence you gotta analyze what kind of situation triggers you the most.
When do I feel tempted to do that thing ?, when I am with a certain someone? at a certain place or while watching certain things? or worse case when I am alone?
Once you identify that, start ignoring that factor at all costs. If you feel triggered to drink more when you attend a party then don't go there. Don't be like, I have self-control, I can manage a few drinks or few puffs. For the love of all things on earth, you know you can't.
I don't want you to feel discouraged but the cost of being overconfident is your soul. Thus you should be very serious about this. Sometimes it's okay to say No to some people and Things.
In his book Purpose Drive Life, Pr. Rick Warren says that every sin starts with a thought. The enemy can plant a single thought in your heart and manipulate you to sin. Eve in the Eden Garden ring any bell?
Okay, we found the grenade now how do we disarm it? I hear ya.
The way to defeat every single temptation is by taking away its power. Your Attention.
A study shows that more than 6000 thoughts run through your mind in a single day including good and bad but it doesn't matter. What matters is what gets your attention.
Ever felt hungry all of a sudden only because you watched an advertisement for a delicious food brand? You get my point, right? if you are serious about defeating your temptation you must manage your mind and monitor your media intake.
The battle of Sin is won or lost in your mind. Whatever gets your attention gets you ~ Rick Warren
So how do we do that? My suggestion for you is to refocus your attention on something better instead of fighting with that disturbing thought. The Bible tells us to Overcome Evil with Good. That should be your winning strategy.
While we are dieting it doesn't matter how many times we keep telling ourselves to eat less, we'll still crave junk food. it keeps you focused on what you don't want. so rather than that you can build a spiritual habit that will be a good distraction for you.
If you are open to suggestions please check out my blog The Spiritual Diet which includes some tricks to spend your time productively with God. I believe it may come in handy.
Our battle plan is simple, turn away from everything that the enemy suggests. That's what Jesus did when he was tempted in the wilderness. When the devil dared to ask him "if he is the son of God" He didn't argue with him or tried to prove himself, he simply quoted a bible verse back at him that shut him up, Damn that's a mic drop.
To summarize Don't fight the thought that reels you back towards your addiction, just change the channel of your mind and get interested in another idea. This is the first step in defeating temptation. So next time when the temptation calls you, don't argue with it just hang up.
3. Talk to a friend(s)
Believe it or not, God's plan for our spiritual growth involves other Christians too. He decided "It's not good for the man to be alone" in the very beginning.
“Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.” - Ecclesiastes 4:9-10. This theory was established throughout the Bible like this.
In John 21, when Peter chose to go back to fishing and didn't even notice Jesus was standing there for him, It was John who pointed Peter back to Him. We all need a John in our life. don't we?
My point is you have to find a Godly friend or a spiritual support group to share about your addiction and help you with it.
if your reply is anything between 'I don't need anyone I am better off alone or I can talk to God he will heal me', le me tell you what James says about it. "Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed James 5: 16"
You have to share your struggles with someone or with a fellowship whom you think won't judge you or condemn you for having a human weakness. It can be your friend, spouse, or anyone you feel like opening up to. When you confess, the sin loses its hold on you. you'll definitely feel a weight lifting off your heart then Baam the healing process starts.
If you don't feel comfortable sharing this with people around you, you gotta ask God to show the right person who will have the burden to pray with you and for you. Someone who will keep you accountable.
In my case, he pointed out a person with whom I had lost touch for about a year because of a pointless quarrel and parted ways. He cultivated my heart and made me reconcile with her. When I shared my infirmity with her, she was more than happy to help me out. Now we are best friends again, and I don't have it any other way.
Don't wanna sound like the one on the wrong side of the generational gap, but I will. Regardless of how many followers you have on Instagram and how many retweets you get, if you can't think of a single person to hug you when you're falling apart, what kind of a life are you living?

Despite the fact, that you feel isolated and contaminated you are not the only one with vulnerability. Like the old saying, everyone has a chapter they don't wanna read out loud. So stop pretending like everything is fine, don't be like Elsa. Stop concealing and start revealing.
I've been told pretending will only postpone the healing process. you don't have to go through this alone. Take out your phone, surf your contacts and for the love of God use that calling option at least once in your lifetime.
Seek out God's assistance in finding that person, still, if you feel like you don't have anyone my inbox will be always open for you.
4. Come to the Throne Boldly
The best thing I've been preached to is 'A porn addict can pray while watching porn'. I'll never forget that sentence in my life. All my life I've been told you gotta be white as your ironed costume to be a child of God, no bad in that but it created a barrier between me and Him.
Nonetheless, his love tore down every veil and reached out to me. Like it's doing to you too, it's no accident that God wanted you to know that he still loves you no matter what you've been telling yourself.
As human instinct, our first thought when we sin would be to run as far away as possible from God. Because he is Holy and Sovereign. He died for me on the cross. He is crushed for my sins yet here I am wasting my life in prodigal living, so this filthy sinner is not worthy to be in his presence. Yeah been there and done that.
News flash darling, you could never lose what Grace has already won. Loving you is not God’s option it’s his decision. He wanted you when you had no idea who he was and died for you when you were running after the flashy things.
So, stop running away from Him, start running towards him, as the Younger son did. Same as his father, your heavenly father will be ready to welcome you with wide-open arms run towards you, and embrace you in his arms irrespective of what you have done. Because in the end, it doesn’t matter what you did all that matters is what HE did.
Don’t go telling and yelling at him forgive me, Father, I have sinned. I am no longer worthy to be called your child. Take me as one of your servants. God will roll his eyes and say “Really we are doing this again ?” Because you haven’t received the spirit of a servant, you received the spirit of Son/Daughter to call him Abba the Father (Rom 8:15).
We tend to think that we should depart from him because we have done something that is not kingdom-worthy. When we do that we'll lose all our passion for God’s kingdom because of our weakness in the flesh and make up our minds to state “When I can function without my flaws, I will come back to him”. It doesn’t work like that.
I don’t think he is waiting for us to be Holy; He came down because we can’t be HOLY without HIM ~ Mary Magdalene- (The Chosen)
I am not telling you that it's gonna be easy after this, I mean once you pray the addiction will be gone overnight. it was not supposed to work like that. It takes time because God will work in your heart and take it out from the root.
It’s still gonna be hard, but we have a God who is faithful. He never promised there is never going to be a storm instead he proved even if it is there, he will be with you In the storm. So dear heart Take courage.
For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin. (Hebrews 4: 15, NIV)
So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most. (Hebrews 4: 16, NLT).
Next time you mess up, stop hiding your face from God, stop stop showing up in his presence. “Come to the THRONE boldly” and most of all “COME as you are”.He’d rather have you and your broken heart than the perfect self you are pretending to be.
You gotta come to Him, sit in his presence, and let him know how you feel. When you pour out your heart, when you rant whatever is on your mind to him, he will take care of it. But the Thumb rule is you gotta give him all the pieces even the ones you think are messed up and broken beyond repair. and trust his process. He is a carpenter don't you forget that. Fixing things is his specialty.😜
Remember one thing there is nothing in this world, that can separate you from the love of the Father. Don’t trust me? That’s what Paul says in (Romans 8: 39 ) so join me singing Matthew West's lines in the face of the devil.
My sin can't separate My scars can't separate My failures can't separate I'm Yours forever
No enemy can separate No power of hell can take away Your love for me will never change I'm Yours forever
~ God who stays (Matthew West)
So to conclude, We still have tribulation in this world but take heart, he has overcome the world. Remind yourself one thing during your lowest moments. Greater is He who is in you than the one who is in the world (I John 4: 4). You are gonna get through this.
I know it's easier said than done, but you have to take the first step toward God in order to leave behind the things that have a hold on you. One day at a time, maybe you’ll stumble maybe you’ll fall it’s not gonna matter until you keep going in his direction.
Like He promised to Paul “ My Grace is Sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness (2 Cor 12: 9, NKJV)”. He will be there with you through every step. One day you will turn back and see how far he carried you and strengthen you. You will rejoice and declare, I ran a good race now Crown of Life is waiting for me.
God won’t let your suffering go in vain. One day everything will be alright. One day you will tell your story to someone about how Awesome God has been in your life so they can see and taste the goodness of HIM.
One day you'll realize He took what the enemy meant for evil and turned it for Good.
One day. Until then my darlings, my prayer for you is, Let Jesus be your addiction 💖
Originally Published on our Blog, U Me & HIM
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~ Love