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King Solomon's First Temple & A Love Story

A Church building
Photo by Daniel Tseng on Unsplash

February is the time for Rom-Coms. Everyone I know is either looking for the best romcoms to watch or writing about them.

There are a lot of love stories in the Bible too. Jacob and Rachel, Ruth and Boaz, Joseph and Mary.

Somehow the one I chose for this post topped all that, Intrigued? what are we waiting for, scroll on.


King Solomon the Wise, The third King of Israel, The author of Ecclesiastes. 

The last one to rule over the nation as a whole country.

He built the first temple for God to fulfill the wish of his predecessor and his Father– David.

1Kings 6 records the architecture, measurements, and every teeny tiny detail of the structure of the temple including door frames.

Exceptional things were used in the construction of the first temple. Cedar, Pine, Olive, and Juniper wood you name it. It seems when it comes to the house of Almighty, Sol had a strict "No Ikea" policy.

The scripture says even the floor was Gold (1 Kings 6:30).

Regarding the task, his dad bestowed upon him, the wise King opened his hands wide to build a temple that people would marvel at even after thousands of years. (one would say he succeeded in his mission).

To put it in 21st-century slang, it's like residing in a Penthouse in Burj Khalifa only with Golden carpets.

God promised Solomon he would hear the prayers from the temple. To honor his efforts and his heart. Even though canonically He dwelt in the temple, technically he didn't. Well, he couldn't.

Isaiah 66: 1-9 hints us the majesty of God's nature “Heaven is My throne, And earth is My footstool. Where is the house that you will build Me? And where is the place of My rest?

He is that great. How can a man-made structure accommodate the one who made the man?

Thousands and thousands of angels surround Him to offer praise 24/7 in heaven. (Revelation 4 & 5).

Yet he left all that.

He left the place that worshipped him as a King only to get martyred with a crown of thrones. (John 3:16, anyone ?)

The word became flesh and dwelt among us. He walked on earth Physically and now lives in us Spiritually.

Solomon built a suite for Him made of freaking Au nevertheless, he chose to live inside you.

In the corrupted, not-so-fancy, crippled with worries, occupied with all other things cottage called Your heart. All for the sake of Love.

If that ain’t a love story, I don't know what is.


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