Every New Year people do this…At least I do.
Start reading the bible from the beginning or search for the answer to the question "How to start studying the bible ?"
It is the healthiest thing you can do to grow your relationship with God. Setting aside time and indulging in the word of God. How sweet.
So join me in the “ Studying Bible in 4 years” Club. Yup, that’s how long it will take to complete reading the whole bible if we take a chapter a day.
You can do that or you can dive into the internet and after a single surf, you'll find multiple interesting Bible reading/studying/meditating techniques.
There are plenty of bible study books available. Ex: Bible study method by Rick Warren. With no draught for unique bible reading methods like SOAP.
SOAP -- which stands for,
S - Scripture
O - Observation
A - Application
P - Prayer.
You choose a Scripture, study and observe what the characters are going through, and then write down how you can apply it to your personal life, last but not least you pray about it.
That's it. Simple and efficient.
Sure the techniques I pinned to my Pinterest boards are intuitive. Still, I was having a hard time building myself a bible reading routine.
Until I found a Robust and optimal method a couple of months ago.
Recently I had the privilege to read Bob Goff’s Love does. Believe me when I say that a book is a spirit lifter and a life changer.
In my adventurous journey with Bob, one of the chapters introduced me to this new bible studying method. Scratch that >> Bible-doing method. Which altogether changed the way I looked at Bible reading before.
I have always thought learning and memorizing the facts from the scripture, is it.
My non-Christian friends think Bible is a magic book with spells and we use it to cast and quote on each other during arguments.
Well given the current trend of spitting venomous comments at people at every chance available, can't blame them, can we?
But Bob taught me Differently.
I realized the Holy Bible is not just a history book to read stories and tell kids.
Where I skip the hard parts with harsh verses such as Hosea. I don't even want to talk about Numbers and Leviticus or The first chapter of the New Testament.
There is no harm in listening, watching, and pondering about the events in the bible. However, if we stop there, then that's a problem.
"You can read as many books as you love, but which one you chose to live by matters the most ~ ( I am still looking for the writer of this quote)
God doesn't want stalkers -- he needs followers.
Allow me to explain. I like Andrew Garfield. No, let me stand corrected, I stan Andrew Garfield.
(If you have no clue who he is – he is one of the three guys who played Spiderman :)
Andrew’s Middle name is Russell. He was born in Los Angeles but his origin was British. Though He has a flawless American accent, his British one is mesmerizing. Along with his hypnotizing laugh.
He likes chocolates, especially Dark chocolates. Can’t go a single day without eating them.
He finds surfing an elating exercise. Andrew was nominated for an Oscar for his performance in the film -- Tick, Tick, Boom. And feels honored to be considered as Remus Lupin in the fancast for the Marauders.
I could go on and On and On. Because I love Andrew.
Nevertheless, it is not gonna change the fact that I don’t know him. I mean I know about him, like any other stalker who stalks him on every single social platform available on planet earth.
But personally, I don’t know him.
The same goes for Jesus and you.
He said no one comes to the Father except through me.
It’s like entering an exclusive party, which God wants everyone to attend. But to pass through the bouncers (Guild and Sin ?!) you need to know someone inside.
Ultimately that certain someone is our man JC (Jesus Christ, come on ppl ?!)
Knowing him doesn’t only mean you read and by heart the verses from Genesis to the End of Revelation, it means we need to walk in it and Act in it. You gotta DO what it says.
Unfortunately, most of us are just stalking Jesus.
I might know all about Jesus and his miracles and the words and commandments he left for us, but if I don’t do the "DO part", I am just mugging up scripture to win quizzes and bible exams.
When the bible says “Don’t be angry”, and you have to be around people who cannot sympathize with others, which leads to kindling your anger it's hard not to turn Green.
However, that's when the Holy Spirit comes into the picture.
“But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth.” ~ John 16: 13 (NIV)
When we are weak he will help us stand, when you stumble he will strengthen your feet.
Day by day when you decide, not only to read but do according to the word of God, seeking his help, you grow in your relationship with Him and your bond tightens. He’ll reveal his heart to you– just as he did with David.
Unless and until I do that, I am just a stranger stalking Jesus.
because daily Bible Reading and a Prayer routine are basic habits for being and growing in your spiritual life.
Now you get the gist, right?
I’ve seen and heard people share their big revelation on certain verses and got blown away. And I have friends who can recite passages in the bible without a stutter. Sadly I am neither.
Still, I love reading, hearing, and sharing the stories in the bible. It’s my favorite thing to do.
Don’t be glum when you don’t get an eye-opening moment every time you read the scripture. God has a mysterious way of revealing himself to individuals, Samuel didn’t get the burning bush and Jonah didn’t get a visit from the Commander of God's army.
But what matters is the first step you take towards Doing His Word.
Feed the poor. Mend the broken. Love your enemies, Tell everyone the good news, and stay away from everything that teaches you otherwise.
I’ve been reading 1 Kings starting this January. I am now at the part where Solomon builds the house of the lord with passion.
He built the temple with fine wood and the costliest materials from around the world... His architecture is impeccable.
Dude, even coated the entire temple with Gold. (And NO by doing it, I am not asking you to build a temple for God. Though You can If you want to 😉 ).
The details were so neat and precise in the recordings. I tried and tried and tried and I couldn’t memorize them all.
But at the end of the day, you know what struck me?
He got the best house in the entire world, yet he chose to live inside me— The messed up, dirty thoughts consumed, not good enough me.
I will walk with confidence my head held high, knowing I am worth that much to HIM ❤
Happy Bible Doing!
Originally published on our blog, U Me & Him.
What is your favorite Bible study method? leave a comment
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