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The Gospel of Mark  [Thank God for Second chances]

Photo by Alabaster Co on Unsplash

Mark or John Mark is an apprentice of Paul and Barnabas on their Missions. However due to some “reasons” he calls quits on his current role and takes off home to Jerusalem.

Now Mark has become a  Ministry dropout.

As a result, the Apostle “I can do all things through Christ” Paul was furious with him. He was disappointed mostly because he left the duo hanging after one of their missions.

Time moves, and pages turn, Barnabas, Paul’s partner insists on inviting  Mark back to their next mission. When Paul didn’t agree to it, Barnabas and him parted ways.

Now Mark becomes the reason Paul and Barnabas broke up.

Even after they split up, Paul’s ministry remained growing. – The Mission trips, The New churches, gentiles repenting. The wonders of his ministry spread all over the globe, and it for sure should’ve hit Jerusalem too. 

Imagine how Mark would have felt hearing all about it. Like a failure. He must have thought everyone was having it together while his life was falling apart.

Isn’t it how we feel after an hour of scrolling online?

He would have beaten himself up, Hey, if I backed up from something that matters most and making lives better. I would too.

We don’t know what made Mark quit his mission trip. Maybe he got homesick, or he is not used to one meal for a couple of days appetite and living in a tent lifestyle.

Perhaps the uncertainty of the future is too much to handle. Been there. 

Anyhow, he did what he did, he ran back home. Don’t get me wrong but I am glad he did. Because if not, he might have never met Peter.

Mark’s mother was the one who hosted the prayer meeting when Peter got arrested (Acts 12:12). It is the one with Peter's Prison Break .

Long story short, Mark becomes Peter’s Protege. He then follows and studies his Mentor attentively. He worded the “Gospel According to Mark” from what and whatever he learned from Peter. 

He wrote it so sharp, short, and straight to the point in a way it could reach a wide range and variety of audiences. (Seriously John, not the whole world needs to know you beat Peter in the race to the Grave) 

Only two out of four Gospels were written by the Original Apostles. Matthew & John(Disciples of Jesus). As for the other two - Luke was Paul’s Comrade while Mark was Peter’s shadow.  They shared what they heard with the world.

Mark leaving Paul may not be one of the proudest decisions in his life. 

Sometimes Life will put you through things you are not proud of, which keeps you awake at night. But trust me it gets better.

Take it from Mark, even after the incident his Hunger for God never quenched. 

If you ask me, Peter saw it and took him in .Because if anyone knows how it feels to be a dropout and the value of a second chance – It’s absolutely Peter.

Mark found a mentor who could relate to what he was going through. No offense, Paul.

His story teaches us one thing. Sometimes the setbacks are also part of God’s game plan. 

You are allowed to feel worn out and beaten up, it’s okay. In the end, all you gotta do is show up to His presence again. (and again and again) 

Mark did, if he didn’t we would be short of one Gospel account. Especially the one that sounds like an action film. 

So Thank God for second chances !!!


Inspired by the Sermon called How Did I Get Here?”  by Pastor Travis Greene

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